Will the DRAFT ANALYZER tell me WHO to PICK?
How to use the TRADE ANALYZER?
How to use the LINE-UP ANALYZER?
Adding custom BONUSES based on LENGTH of TDs or FGs?
How to access the eBook?
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Go to the Draft Analyzer?
Will the DRAFT ANALYZER tell me who to pick? Our system supports up to 5 different teams on an account, each having the capacity for their own unique scoring system and player rankings for those scoring systems. The Draft Analyzer overall Value Based Draft (VBD) Board will list the players in order of their Value Based Draft number compared across all positions, but it doesn't interface with league management sites, nor will it re-shuffle the board after every pick. You can shade out players who have been drafted though so you know who has been drafted and who is available. The printable position and the Tier Rankings will remove those players from their links so you can see which players are still available and their position rank or their Tier group. But it will not say that one player is definitely the best pick over another; that is left up to you to decide as you execute your draft. Our Championship Package also comes with the eBook I wrote explaining both how VBD works, along with how Tiering works. I consider Tiering to be superior to value based drafting as it works off the system of grouping players who will score about the same amount of points and shows the drop-off marks between the players within a position. This way I know if a tier group at a position has several players still in it, I can go to another positions tier group that has fewer players in it and probably will want to pick one of them instead. The eBook also has general rules for drafting, and specific round by round instructions for the novice drafter so they can avoid commonly made mistakes in a draft. But for both online drafts and those in a house, I am a bit old school and still prefer to run my Draft Analyzer right before the draft, and then print up the Tier Sheets and cross out the players as they get drafted.  Not sure if this is exactly what you were looking for, but we have thousands of users who swear by it. And we do offer a full money back guarantee if you're not satisfied.  Our Championship Package offers not just a Draft Analyzer, but Lineup and Trade Analyzer's for each of your teams to use throughout the season as well as we believe it takes 3 things to win a fantasy championship: 1) Draft the Right Players 2) Start the Right Players 3) Acquire the Right Players thru Trades and Free Agency We hope you'll join us and see the benefits we offer throughout the fantasy season, but even if you decide not to, I wish you the best of luck in your leagues this season!
Will the DRAFT ANALYZER tell me who to pick? I can issue a refund at any time, be it today, tomorrow, next week, or even the first week of October, so please don't worry about that. But I would like to try to help if you have questions about how our software works and what an entire Championship Package does for you for not just your fantasy draft, but for the entire season.  The Draft Analyzer overall Value Based Draft (VBD) Board will list the players in order of their Value Based Draft number compared across all positions, but it doesn't interface with league management sites, nor will it re-shuffle the board after every pick. However you can shade out players as they are drafted though so you know who has been drafted and who is still available. By using the "Remove" function on the Draft Analyzer results page both the printable position rankings and the Tier Rankings will remove those players from their links so you can see which players are still available and their position rank or their Tier group. However, our system is not going to say that one player is definitely the best pick over another; that is left up to you to decide as you execute your draft. It will definitely tell you who the best available players are at each position, but it is up to you to decide which position to select from.  It's one the reasons I much prefer Tiering to an overall VBD board as Tiering shows you where the values lie across each position and when a group of higher tiered players is about to close while at another position, there may be plenty of players in the highest available tier to still choose from. That way you know to grab from the tier running out of players. I explain both Value Based Drafting and Tiering in great detail in the eBook that is available for Championship Package members. The eBook can be accessed via a button in the middle of the homepage after you log in. It is the last of several black buttons.  I hope this answers your questions and that you will give us a chance to prove that you don't need an automated Draft program making each selection for you, but rather you can make the right decisions on your own with the help of our system. Also, please remember that the Championship Package is not just a Draft Analyzer, but also the Lineup and Trade Analyzer's, Power Rankings, plus our sleeper player alerts, in-season injury alerts, game day inactive alerts, etc.  We are a full service fantasy football site and I believe if you try us, you'll find we are the best at helping people in all 3 phases of what it takes to win a fantasy championship: 1) Draft the right players 2) Start the right players 3) Acquire the right players thru trades and free agency. Please let me know whether you are willing to give us a chance into the regular season or not. Like I said, I can issue a refund at any time, even in mid-October if you're still not satisfied with our service.
Next: You can now use the LINE-UP ANALYZER
Entering in your ROSTERS!
Go to the Roster Management?
More 'Roster Entering' Hot Topics:
Next: You can now use the Trade Analyzer
After Your Rosters Are Entered:
1. How to ENTER ROSTERS into the system?
Access the eBook?
On Auctions and the Draft Analyzer In regards to Auctions, in the eBook that you get access to as a Championship Package member, I devote an entire Chapter explaining that while the Draft Analyzer doesn't assign Auction dollar values (and why it doesn't), you can still use it for determining Auction values of players and how the Tier Sheets can help you find value players. I explain Auction strategies and tactics that I have used to successfully make others spend more money on players I don't want and how to manage your own Auction dollars. 
On Getting Started During PRESEASON!Steps 1. Log in.2. Go to the "Rosters" tab in the upper right.3. Click the link for: "Begin naming and creating your fantasy football rosters (maximum 5) now!”4. Name the team and click "create team now”Note: That will take you to the starting roster requirements and customized scoring page. Fill in those areas (including flex options if any) and click "save". Thru the "Enhanced Scoring" tab you can also customize for each individual position if your league gives different bonuses to different positions for the same scoring category. If not, just the "Scoring" tab needs to be filled in.
Go to the Login?
After that scroll your mouse over the grey Tools button again to choose which analyzer product you want to run. For example, if you want to run the Draft Analyzer, choose the Draft Analyzer. That will take you to the page where you choose which team you want to run the Draft Analyzer for. Choose the team you want to run the Analyzer for by clicking on the link connected to that team's name.  This will take you to the Draft Analyzer set up page. Here you use the drop down bars to enter the number of teams in your league, and the number of rounds in your draft. After setting those, for simplest use, click the "Use default for max players" button and then make sure there isn't a check mark on the line that says "Allow TEs to be used as WRs" (the only reason to have that box checked is if the TE position is completely optional in your league). The reason for using the default for max players is that the max number of players at each position must add up to equal the number of rounds in your draft. We have set it up to specifically weight the QB, RB, and WR positions and ignore the idea of selecting backups at TE, K, and D. But by all means you can manually change those default max numbers if you like. If you choose to do that, be sure the max numbers add up to equal the rounds in your draft. Click the "Run Raw Data Analyzer button". The system will take anywhere from a few seconds to maybe a minute to pull up the Value Based Draft Board. And on that results page there are also links to see the individual position rankings, along with customized Tier Rankings cheat sheets, and each individual player's stat projections. These links are directly above and to the left of the big overall VBD board. After you've completed your draft, you'll be able to enter the players you drafted by going back to the "Roster Management" section and clicking on the team name. That will take you to a page where you can add (and subtract if you make a trade or free agent transaction later on) the players on your team so our Lineup and Trade Analyzers can make their analysis for your team during the season.  Also, this way the system knows who is on your team for our Starter Alerts. Starter Alerts are specific player alerts sent to you either via email or to your smart phone about specific players just on your roster. Injuries, demotions, etc are sent directly to you usually with recommendations about how to proceed. Starter Alerts can be signed up for by choosing "Manage Starter Alerts" when you hover your mouse over the grey Tools tab. Some Starter Alerts will be for players specifically not on your team. These are usually advisories about players who may be available in your league that you might consider adding to your roster for one reason or another.  Just a side note: since our software does not interface with league management sites, it cannot know whether those players are available in your specific league. It is up to you to check for them on your league management site. We also provide weekly positional Power Rankings during the regular season. Each week we list the top 32 QB's, TE's, K's, and D/ST's, along with the top 40 RB's and top 60 WR's in order of their Probability Points Projection based on the scoring system you set up for that league. The Power Rankings can be accessed by clicking on any of the positional links you see when you hover the mouse over the grey "Rankings" button. Sorry to throw a bunch of information your way all at once, but I wanted to cover the most common questions new users usually have after joining us concerning how to set up for using Analyzer tools, the Starter Alerts, and the Power Rankings.  The one element we can't provide is "luck". But it's been said that Luck is what happens when Preparation meets Opportunity. We try to provide the best Preparation which in turn should lead to the best chances for good luck. With that in mind, we wish you the best of luck in your fantasy leagues this season! If you still have any questions, contact us
For example: If your league requires you to start 1 QB, 2 RB's, 3 WR's, 1 TE, 1 K, and 1 Defense you should set the min and max at each position to those numbers and set the flex option to 0. If that league instead gave you the option of starting either a 3rd RB, 4th WR, or 2nd TE, you would set the flex option to 1 and the max numbers at RB to 3, at WR to 4, and at TE to 2. Below that is the scoring system manager. Simply fill in any changes to the generic scoring system we have set up as a default there. When finished, click on the "Save" button.
On Getting Started During IN-SEASON!Steps 1. Log in.2. Go to the "Rosters" tab in the upper right.3. Click the link for: "Begin naming and creating your fantasy football rosters (maximum 5) now!”4. Name the team and click "create team now”Note: That will take you to the starting roster requirements and customized scoring page. Fill in those areas (including flex options if any) and click "save". Thru the "Enhanced Scoring" tab you can also customize for each individual position if your league gives different bonuses to different positions for the same scoring category. If not, just the "Scoring" tab needs to be filled in.
For example: If your league requires you to start 1 QB, 2 RB's, 3 WR's, 1 TE, 1 K, and 1 Defense you should set the min and max at each position to those numbers and set the flex option to 0. If that league instead gave you the option of starting either a 3rd RB, 4th WR, or 2nd TE, you would set the flex option to 1 and the max numbers at RB to 3, at WR to 4, and at TE to 2. Below that is the scoring system manager. Simply fill in any changes to the generic scoring system we have set up as a default there. When finished, click on the "Save" button. After you're done entering scoring system and starting requirements you'll be able to enter the players on your team by going back to the "Rosters" tab and clicking on the team name. That will take you to a page where you can add (and subtract if you make a trade or free agent transaction) the players on your team.  Also, this way the system knows who is on your team for our Smart Alerts. Smart Alerts are specific player alerts sent to you either via email or to your smart phone about specific players just on your roster. Injuries, demotions, etc are sent directly to you usually with recommendations about how to proceed. Smart Alerts can be signed up for by clicking on the Smart Alerts link under your team's name in the "Rosters" tab Some Smart Alerts will be for players specifically not on your team. These are usually advisories about players who may be available in your league that you might consider adding to your roster for one reason or another.  Just a side note: since our software does not interface with league management sites, it cannot know whether those players are available in your specific league. It is up to you to check for them on your league management site. We also have our Power Rankings. Each week of the regular season we list the top 32 QB's, TE's, K's, and D/ST's, along with the top 40 RB's and top 60 WR's in order of their Probability Points Projection based on the scoring system you set up for that league. The Power Rankings can be accessed thru buttons in the middle of the home page after logging in, and also thru the "Tools" tab along the top of every page. Sorry to throw a bunch of information your way all at once, but I wanted to cover the most common questions new users usually have after joining us concerning how to use the Analyzer tools, the Smart Alerts, and the Power Rankings.  The one element we can't provide is "luck". But it's been said that Luck is what happens when Preparation meets Opportunity. We try to provide the best Preparation which in turn should lead to the best chances for good luck. With that in mind, we wish you the best of luck in your fantasy leagues this season!
Step 2: Click on
Step 1: Click on
Want to see a real life example?
On Creating BONUSES for LENGTH of TDs or FGsFor length of TD or FG bonuses, use the drop down bar where it says "Select Type of Range" on your scoring system page and select the appropriate category.  • For passing TD yardage bonuses, select Passing Yards for TD• For rushing TD yardage bonuses, select Rushing Yards for TD• For receiving TD yardage bonuses, select Receiving Yards for TD• For FG yardage bonuses, select Field Goal Yards These bonuses will be added to the standard point total for each TD or FG you already filled in under the Offensive Scoring columns on the left side For example: If you want BONUSES for LENGTH of TDs, and you have already identified that each passing TD is worth 6 points standard, you'll just to need to ENTER the BONUS amount for each yardage RANGE. 
Step 3: Click on the “Team Name” of the league you want to adjust scoring to.
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Step 4: On the “Scoring” Tab, locate the “Select Type of Range” drop down and add bonus ranges here.
… let’s say that you get 6 points for any TD pass, however, if the TD is from 11-39 yards in length, your scoring should award an additional 3 points.
Entering TD-Length Bonuses
Select "Passing Yards for TD" from the drop down bar" Enter 3 in the Points column.Enter 11 in the Range Minimum columnEnter 39 in the Range Maximum column Click "Save and Add New Range”. And, what about passing TDs between 40-99 yards? No problem. Repeat the steps above and: Enter 6 in the Points column.Enter 40 in the Range Minimum columnEnter 99 in the Range Maximum column And, again, click "Save and Add New Range”. … repeat for additonal ranges. Note: You then follow the same steps for each appropriate category where there are bonuses for length of TD's. Just remember that after each new range is created, you have to click "Save and Add New Range". When you've completed adding all the bonuses, click the "Save" button at the bottom. 
Entering FG-Length Bonuses
On Creating BONUSES for LENGTH of TDs or FGs So, after you LOGIN —> Click on “Rosters” —> Click on the “Team” that you want adjust —> Scroll down to “Scoring” tab, and:
The system knows that every FG will get a base minimum of 2 points, and then projected FG's within each of the ranges accumulate these additional bonus points on top of the that. If your league uses strict decimal point scoring based on the yardage length of each FG. You could enter each decimal point for each yard, but that will be time consuming. I would instead recommend assigning a range group of 3 yards with the middle yardage number as the points. It would look like: I cut it off after 60 yards as a kicker would need to demonstrate he not only gets consistent chances from that range, but also makes them for the system to project much higher than that. But by doing it in 3 yard ranges, you only make 15 entries instead of 42. You could even make the ranges bigger if you wanted as we are talking about less than half a fantasy point in difference from one range to the next.
For FG's the standard amount of points for every Field Goal is the lowest points total you can get for a successful FG. Yardage ranges would then be added to that. For example: FG's from 18-24 yards are worth 2 points (you would enter 2 points for every 1 FG) FG's from 25-34 yards are worth 3 points (you would select FG Yardage from the drop down bar and choose 1 pt with a range minimum of 25 and a max of 34) FG's from 35-44 yards are worth 4 points (2 pts for a range between 35-44) FG's from 45-54 yards are worth 5 points (3 pts for a range between 45-54) FG's from 55 yards or more are worth 6 points (4 pts for a range between 55-99)
Points Range Min Range Max 1.9 18 20  (the system knows the shortest FG has to be at least 18 yards) 2.2 21 23 2.5 24 26 2.8 27 29 3.1 30 32 3.4 33 35 3.7 36 38 4.0 39 41 4.3 42 44 4.6 45 47 4.9 48 50 5.2 51 53 5.5 54 56 5.8 57 59 6.1 60 99
<�——— Step 1: Login
<�—————————— Step 2: Click on this                                         link, which is directly                                         above all of the                                                   Analyzer Quick Links.
Our Scoring System Categories Here is a list of our general scoring categories: Rushing YardsRushing TDsRushing AttemptsFumblesFumbles LostReceptionsReceiving YardsReceiving TDsPass CompletionsIncomplete PassesPassing Yards Passing TDs Interceptions ThrownField GoalsPATs MadeTPCs Made (2pt conversions)SafetiesInterceptions RecoveredSacksFumbles RecoveredDefensive/Special Teams TDs
Another example, if your league gives you a bonus for length  of TD, choose which type of TD (Rush Yards for TD for  example) and enter the bonus amount above a regular TD (which you already entered in the basic categories) with the yardage ranges for that bonus. You can enter as many different bonuses and ranges as your league has. And it also can be broken down to each individual position if your league gives different bonuses to different positions for the same scoring category. For example, if your league gives 0.5 points per reception to RB's, 1.0 points per reception to WR's, and 1.5 points per reception to TE's, these can entered as well thru the enhanced scoring tab.
Additional Categories Then we have additional categories accessed thru a drop down bar on the scoring system page.  These are generally extra bonuses beyond the regular. For example, if your league gives a standard 1 point for every 10 rushing yards, you would just enter 1 pt per every 10 yards in the above column for rushing yards.  But if in addition to that, your league also gives a bonus of 5 points for reaching 100 rushing yards, you could use the Rushing Yards bonus category from these listed in the drop down bar:  • Passing Yards Against • Rushing Yards Against • Yards Against • Points Against • Rushing Yards • Receiving Yards • Passing Yards • Rush/Rec/Pass Yards /8 Rush/Rec Yards • Rushing Yards for TD • Receiving Yards for TD • Passing Yards for TD • Field Goal Yards
How to set up a Mock Draft: Log in (Mock Draft is free but you need to have registered with us to be able to use it) Click on the Mock Draft tab across the top of the page or go to the Tools tab and click on the Mock Draft button This takes you to a page where you can either create your own Mock Draft or join one someone else has created. To create your own, click the "Create Mock Draft'" button This takes you to the page where you enter the basic league information.  • Name the Mock Draft • To make it public (where any registered members can join) put a check in the box for Public League (this will make the line for a password disappear, passwords are only needed for private leagues) • To make it a private league, leave the box empty and fill in a password for others to use to access the league • If you want the ability to set your own draft order, check the box. If you want it to be randomly generated, leave it empty • Use the drop down bar to set the number of teams you want to participate in the mock draft • The site defaults to a 5:00 minute clock for each pick, but this can be manually changed to any time limit (it's recommended you give at least 1 minute for picks; our automated FFS Experts, or if you turn on the Auto Draft option in the draft room, selections will be made usually within 5-10 seconds for each pick) • Start Time defaults to exactly 1 week from the current date, but can be manually changed to any date and time. NOTE: You need to set it to start at least 30 minutes from whatever the current time is or there's a chance the system won't operate correctly. • Choose a preset scoring system (if you want to customize the scoring you'll have the ability to do that in a future step, as well as the number of players at each position) • Using the drop down bar, set the number of rounds for the Mock Draft • Click "Create League" This leads you to a page where you can manage the settings for your Mock Draft.  • "Configuration" takes you back to the previous page so you can make any changes. • "Scoring System" takes you to a page where you can customize the scoring system and, by using the drop down bars, set the amount of starters at each position for the league and the max number of players to be drafted at each position. This is important for the automated system to create a Value Based Draft board internally from which it will make its selections. If you make any changes, you must click the Save button at the bottom or your changes will be lost. • "Invite Players" allows you to send invitations to friends or family (if they are not registered members of STARTERS they will have to register to be able to participate) • "Manage Teams" allows you to see who has signed up for your mock draft • "Create Mock Draft" is where you create your own team for the Mock Draft. Click on it and it will take to a page where you name your team. Name it and click Join League/Create Team. That takes you to a age where you can either re-name your team, go back to the Mock Draft main page, or click to view the Mock Draft created. If you click to view the mock draft created, you go to a page that is a staging area before you can enter the Mock Draft room. About 20-30 minutes before a mock draft is set to begin, the page will update itself with a link that invites you to enter the Mock Draft.  Go in and draft!
More Trade Analyzer Hot Topics:
Learn about UNBALANCED TRADES (ex: 2-for-1 or 3-for-2, etc.)
Learn about trades AFFECTING positions NOT involved in trade
How to use the TRADE ANALYZER?
4. How to use the CONTROLS?
3. HOW TO ACCESS the Line-up Analyzer?
How to use the LINE-UP ANALYZER?
More Line-up Analyzer Hot Topics:
5. Understanding the LEGEND/KEY
2. Understanding RESULTS data
7. Understanding CONFIDENCE FACTORS?