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  • andr3wl November 24
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Week 12 Studs and Duds Thread
  • wh0urdady November 25
    Posts: 1,348

    ump said:

    ump said:

    Yep.  Horrible way to end the game.  I need Garcon to score less than 17 points (non-PPR).  Considering he's done it 3 times already this year, it has me very nervous.  Additionally, I need Kaepernick, Morris, and Gore to score less than 43 points (they are projected for 41).  It's going to be a lot of nail-biting tomorrow.  Of course, if I got more than 4 points from Keenum (or started RG3) or 3 points from Ball at least my game would have been decided already.

    Any thoughts on this?  How likely is Garcon to get 16 points (stat correction for Houston defense)?  I mean it's only 1 TD and 100 yards and he's already done that 3 times this year, but it's also against SF.

    think you got an 80% chance in non-ppr
    QB: Brady, Kaepernick
    RB: McCoy, Miller, D. Richardson, Jackson, Lattimore, McGahee
    WR: Cruz, Blackmon, Gordon, Jeffery, K. Allen
    TE: J. Thomas, Cameron
    K: Hartley
    DST: Texans, Saints
  • bddavidsonbddavidson November 25
    Posts: 10,814
    ^^^is it possible yes likely no..but GL tonight..
    DC Nation Moderator
  • fontaines November 25
    Posts: 3,843
    ump said:

    LukeB5301 said:

    Moreno on crutches..

    Welcome to the Ball/Anderson show

    As a Ball owner, I wouldn't mind this.  However, I would not be shocked if they decided that they put Hillman back in now.

    I'm thinking Moreno is going to be on the field as soon as he can.  Nobody else in that backfield is capable.  We all saw Ball last night, they're not going to give him the reigns for a playoff run and shut down one of their best offensive players (did i really just say moreno is one of Denver's best offensive players?  what a year...)
    DC Nation Forum Moderator
  • SmittySmitty November 25
    Posts: 6,088
    fontaines said:

    ump said:

    LukeB5301 said:

    Moreno on crutches..

    Welcome to the Ball/Anderson show

    As a Ball owner, I wouldn't mind this.  However, I would not be shocked if they decided that they put Hillman back in now.

    I'm thinking Moreno is going to be on the field as soon as he can.  Nobody else in that backfield is capable.  We all saw Ball last night, they're not going to give him the reigns for a playoff run and shut down one of their best offensive players (did i really just say moreno is one of Denver's best offensive players?  what a year...)

    Yeah, I don't get Montee. You have to learn how to fix such a problem or you don't deserve a the gig. Very disappointed in his ability to figure his fumbling out. That's inexcusable. The game would have likely went a very different way had he not fumbled that ball.
    - Smitty | Owner/Founder |
  • TheHuddleTheHuddle November 25
    Posts: 1,281
    If I was Denver I would not put a returner back there the rest of the year.  Only bad things happen.

    Even bad when Holliday takes one to the house.......................its actually bad for the defense as they are back on the field & Manning cant control the game. Defense gets worn out by the end or something. Ravens/Pats...............I say dont even put a guy back there.  Would have saved 2 turnovers last night alone.  It all comes down to this game vs Chiefs this week! 
  • NeedalifeNeedalife November 25
    Posts: 779
    Anyone notice that IDP scoring is not registering on MFL as well as some of my sports score apps
    TEAM 1 - Dynasty PPR, start 1 QB / 2 RB / 2 WR / 1 TE / 1 FX
    QB - Brees/Luck
    RB - Lynch(Michael,Turbin)/Stacy/Martin/Spiller/Tate
    WR - Megatron/Julio/Dez/Keenan/Rueben/Cordarelle
    TE - Graham/Julius
  • umpump November 25
    Posts: 465
    Smitty said:

    Yeah, I don't get Montee. You have to learn how to fix such a problem or you don't deserve a the gig. Very disappointed in his ability to figure his fumbling out. That's inexcusable. The game would have likely went a very different way had he not fumbled that ball.

    So true. I would argue that his fumble was probably the biggest play of he game.
  • umpump November 25
    Posts: 465
    RG3 is making my Keenum start look good right now, and that's hard to do considering the results.
  • CFTdewey22CFTdewey22 November 25
    Posts: 422
    Can't believe that benching RG3 for Josh McCown was a great move. He is getting punished by the 49'ers D
  • WutthecrapmanWutthecrapman November 25
    Posts: 9,194
    This just in, the Redskins suck hard.

    "I'm like birth control. You have to believe in me. Like birth control, 99.9 percent of the time I'm going to come through for you." - David Wilson
    DC Nation Forum Moderator
  • TBLTBL November 25
    Posts: 4,450
    I knew I should have started Matt Mcgloin over RG3......what a disappointment.
  • zeeshan2zeeshan2 November 26
    Posts: 1,265
    Welker helped Tom Brady beat Peyton again
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